9 …The Development Of Teaching Material Based On Concept Maps To Train Of Higher Order Thinking Skills Chemical Education Of Students In matlab Subject Matter Of IsomerI Ismono, S Suyatno, T Tukiran – JCER Journal of Chemistry …, 2017 – journal. unesa. ac. idPage 1. Journal of Chemistry Education Research ISSN: 2549 – 1644 Vol. 1, No. 2015. The outcomes of making use of matlab ANNs methodology to diagnosis of thesedisease primarily based upon selected symptoms show knowledge engineering matlab network to be told matlab patterns akin to signs engineering matlab person. In our proposed work, Multi Layer Perceptron with having 2 hidden layer is used to predict clinical ailments. Here in case of liver dysfunction prediction sufferers are classified into four categories: usual situation, abnormal situation preliminary, abnormal situation and severe situation. This neural network brand shows good functionality in predicting disorder with less mistakes. Keywords: Artificial Neural Network ANN, Multilayer Perceptron, Heart Diseases, Liver Disorder, Lung Cancer.