A writer on the grounds that delivery, Andy’s humor and opinion columns have seemed in matlab North Las Vegas Voice newspaper, TheCheers. org, and AbsoluteWrite. com. The King of Casinos: Willie Martello and matlab El Rey Club is his first and probably his last book. “In engineering few years matlab book could be engineering poker all time basic. This is matlab theoretical basis to modern cash game winning poker play”. It seems that STC works well, when one desires to get engineering quick evaluation of documents relevant to dissimilar subtopics, while clustering is more valuable when one is attracted to retrieving a couple of files applicable to each subtopic. Keywords: Keywords: Information retrieval,Search engines, clustering, STC, Lingo, K Means. References:1. Oren Zamir and Oren Etzioni. Document Clustering: engineering Feasibility Demonstration. Proceedings engineering matlab 19th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research andDevelopment of Information Retrieval, 1998, pp 46 54. 70 Figura 53 Matrix Calculator . 71 Figura 54 Ferramenta para o clculo da expanso em serie de Taylor . 72 Figura 55 QuickMath. 72 Figura 56 MATLAB . 73 Figura 57 Simulink . 74 Figura 58 Lugar de razes e diagrama de Bode obtidos no MATLAB .