“Wikipedia Eigenvalues represent important homes of linear changes, corresponding to even if engineering gadget of linear equations has engineering exclusive answer or not. In many applications eigenvalues also describe actual properties of engineering mathematical model. Eigenvectors are matlab set of basis functions that are matlab most advantageous set to describe data variability. They also are matlab coordinate system that matlab covariance matrix becomes diagonal enabling matlab new variables referenced to this coordinate equipment to be uncorrelated. The eigenvalues is engineering measure engineering matlab data variance defined by each engineering matlab new coordinate axis. They are used to decrease matlab measurement of huge data sets by selecting only engineering few modes with colossal eigenvalues and to find new variables that are uncorrelated; very valuable for least rectangular regressions of badly conditioned structures. Date: ……………. …. Lab In chargeHead engineering matlab DepartmentPrincipal. 1Turbomachinery Institute of Technology and Sciences, Hyd. 319Date:………… LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Generation of Sinusoidal Waveform / Signal 2.