Matlab Array

Яг яагаад байгааг нь тодорхой бичихгүй бол багш нь зөвөлгөө өгөх хүндрэлтэй байна. Ямар тоо гарч байна?Ер нь асч байна уу?Тооноос өөр ямар мэдээлэл гарч байна?Хамгийн сүүлд яаж унтарсан гээд л олон асуулт байнаа…Bagshiin maani site ulam l goy bolood baina shuu. Tanii gadaadiin surguuliudiin zovlogoo ih heregtei baidag shuu. Harin ene udaad neg ih haragdahgui baih chini. 226 д баярлалаа. Сайтаар орж байгаад. If running your business supposes creating any multi media content material, accept as true with developing engineering YouTube channel to host it. Although there are some pros and cons in posting your motion pictures to YouTube vs importing them without delay on your site that you could do both, by matlab way, YouTube opens many alternatives for on-line merchandising often thanks to its huge user base, and matlab being plugged in into other Google products. YouTube is particularly critical to artists/musicians. As I said beforehand, Google replies on YouTube to tug data for Knowledge Graph consequences related to track items. By matlab way, song info isn’t at all times extracted out of your respectable YouTube channel – it’s generally taken from vids for which you’re diagnosed as matlab Artist YouTube performs matlab majority of these identification algorithmically. For example, engineering look for Marylin Monroe songs produces Knowledge Graph effects that, when clicked, aspect to YouTube films created by any one but Marilyn Monroe:The fundamental source of Google’s Knowledge Graph advice is engineering database of entities and issues called Freebase.