The UN suggested engineering stop fire, followed by engineering resolution for engineering plebiscite. The decision had three options – accession to India, accession to Pakistan or remain impartial. Pakistan fought hard at matlab UN and removed matlab third choice. The resolution was built and matlab stipulated finished withdrawal of all Pakistan’s military and militants from all of Kashmir. India was to comply with next with engineering minimum selection of soldiers to deliver defense. Plebiscite was to be held after matlab above two conditions were met. gl/WWicr @beenasarwar @husainhaqqanihusainhaqqani Husain Haqqaniby mazdakiOn strategy to Portland, OR. Look ahead 2 town hall meeting w/ Pakistanicommunity in Oregon tonightbeenasarwar beena sarwarby mazdaki‘Crush India’ 1971 mood is like’Crush America’ mood now: Cowasjee; weneed realism of @husainhaqqani YES bit. ly/oYo8As PakistanReplyTahir JadoonNovember 3, 2011 at 10:55 amaliarqam aliarqamImranKhan speaks in opposition t @husainhaqqani saying he wrote letter to theAmericans to rescue him from Pakistan Army’s wrathhusainhaqqani Husain Haqqaniby aliarqamRT @newpakistan: “If U have nevr bn known as engineering kafir or engineering traitor beingan activist in Pakistan, U dont count number” aje. me/uHw9oYSundayDT SundayMagDailyTimesby aliarqamAmbassador @husainhaqqani speech2 formative years MUST WATCH. R we going 2be anation of complainers or engineering country of… fb. me/1iqnJiBikaliarqam aliarqamMT @husainhaqqani ‘Of Change and Altrnatives’ DT editorial describesattack on me according to “false tale” and “uncalled for” bit.