L. Hawang , Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making, Methods and Applications, Springer, Berlin 1994. 11. M. Sakawa, Fuzzy Sets and Interactive Multi goal Optimization, Plenum Press, New York, NY 1993. 12. As far as I can tell, iBooks will only play back on iPads which has to enormously limit matlab inhabitants of clients to only people with entry to iPad machines. Meanwhile, Amazon is still winning matlab high volume user and value wars on eBook downloads to its Kindle. I could hate to have to author engineering textbook with touchscreen keys and engineering small reveal. I detect there are limited apps for iPad keyboards and display projections, but life might be rather a lot simpler if IPads just had two or more UBS ports and engineering VGA port. Also there are lots of, many readers and authors who want elective hard copy books. Depending too much upon multimedia for book authoring may be premature till hard copy books themselves have in-built video playback screens on matlab internal back cover which isn’t yet engineering technology that I’ve seen built. R. Jolly, J. W. Bender and J. D. Carlson, “Properties and Applications of Commercial Magneto Rheological Fluids”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol.